Men's Health

Hormonal imbalances can occur at any age and affect both men and women. The primary hormone in men is testosterone. As age increases, testosterone levels decline and can lead to a condition known as andropause or more commonly “low-T.” Testosterone deficiency may lead to decreased concentration, lethargy, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, and depression among other side effects.
How can compounds help?
There are several effective products that exist on the commercial market to help with symptom management. If you have low testosterone and if the current available treatment options are not a good fit for you, your compounding pharmacies can work with your medical provider to create a testosterone formulation for you. These medications may be for oral or topical use. With proper monitoring and dosage adjustments, compounded testosterone formulations can help control symptoms associated with low-T in a safe manner.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information on Testosterone and its side effects. Compounding requires a relationship between the patient, physician, and pharmacist. Together, they will work to provide an alternative treatment option when and if the current available treatment options are not the best fit for you.